Have you ever wondered why there are so many people who early in their lives are going bald? The answer is easy; it is due to the chemicals their hair is exposed to. Your hair cannot take the daily burden of being weakened by the myriad artificial substances that are present in shampoos and so it decides to go the easy way out, fall off from your scalp.

    There is a way however, to get your hair clean without using shampoo, how, you may wonder: by using baking soda and lemon juice.

Here is what you’ll need:
•    1 empty water bottle
•    2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
•    A few drops of lemon juice
•    Warm water

Get your hair wet, rub 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda on your head,  add some lemon juice to your head rubbing as well. Rinse with warm as-much-as your-head-can take-it water your head and presto! Repeat as needed until your scalp feels clean
What do the ingredients do? The backing soda de-odorizes your hair and the lemon juice removes the oil/grease out of it.

    There you go, a simple and economical solution to get your hair clean that won’t make you go bald!

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